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Tag: Gary Gensler

White Capitol Rotunda Wide Shot: House of Representatives Building

Pressure Builds for Better ESG Leadership at Companies

White Capitol Rotunda Wide Shot: House of Representatives Building

Last week saw a legitimately dramatic vote take place in the U.S. House of Representatives. By just one vote, the House passed sweeping legislation requiring more transparency from corporations on environmental, social and governance issues...

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PCAOB Overhaul Latest Sign of Gensler’s Ambitious Agenda

PCAOB Overhaul Latest Sign of Gensler’s Ambitious Agenda

PCAOB Overhaul Latest Sign of Gensler’s Ambitious Agenda

Gary Gensler developed a reputation for ruthless efficiency while heading the Commodity Futures Trading Commission from 2009 to 2014. He’s living up to that billing so far in his fledgling tenure as chair of the Securities and Exchange Comm...

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SEC Gary Gensler: Human Capital Disclosure Requirements on the Way

Gensler: Human Capital Disclosure Requirements on the Way

SEC Gary Gensler: Human Capital Disclosure Requirements on the Way

The Securities and Exchange Commission is working up a new rule that would require public companies to disclose more data about their workforces (aka “human capital”), the agency’s new chair Gary Gensler said last week. If implemented, the...

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SEC's Gary Gensler Batting .500 with Initial Appointments

Gensler Batting .500 with Initial Appointments

SEC's Gary Gensler Batting .500 with Initial Appointments

Newly installed Securities and Exchange Commission Chair Gary Gensler has wasted no time making personnel announcements since his April 17 confirmation. But of the two biggies he’s made thus far, only one is still standing. That’s a .500 av...

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Enforcement Renaissance Underway at SEC

Enforcement Renaissance Underway at SEC

Enforcement Renaissance Underway at SEC

Enforcement didn’t seem to be at the very top of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s to-do list in the last four years. At least, that’s what the most recent data on the agency’s activities under departed chair Jay Clayton would tell u...

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