Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky

Tag: Election

Puddle reflection of U.S. Capitol

Three Reasons Why the SEC May Temper Its Rulemaking Before the Election

Puddle reflection of U.S. Capitol

In an election year, federal agencies often spend the final months of a President’s term rushing to push through pet projects and key objectives. The Securities and Exchange Commission is no exception. If you look back to 2020, for instance...

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Man in suit with hand raised taking an oath in front of outdoor crowd, with other hand behind his back with fingers cross symbolizing contradiction and hypocrisy

What Insurrection? A Year Later, Corporations Flip-Flopping on Political Donations

Man in suit with hand raised taking an oath in front of outdoor crowd, with other hand behind his back with fingers cross symbolizing contradiction and hypocrisy

The deadly insurrection in Washington last year created an opportunity for corporate interests to rethink their involvement in U.S. politics. Thousands of companies decried the Jan. 6, 2021, rioting on Capitol Hill by a mob of supporters of...

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US White House

Issuers Disclose Electoral Worries

US White House

The 2020 presidential campaign introduced Americans to the concept of “election week.” Political junkies accustomed to knowing the identity of the next president on the first Tuesday in November went to bed on November 3 with a vastly diffe...

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White truck delivering mail

Public Companies Fret Over Fate of Postal Service

White truck delivering mail

Americans are paying attention to their mail in a whole new way. With the United States Postal Service struggling financially and providing delayed service, citizens suddenly have a host of fears. Some are worried about their retirement che...

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