Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky


Boxing gloves hanging from a hook

Court Battles for Musk, Cook Highlight New Expectations for Executive Pay

Boxing gloves hanging from a hook

It was a tale of two verdicts recently for a pair of corporate heavyweights and their compensation. On January 30, a Delaware court put the kibosh on a $56 billion pay package for Elon Musk, the mercurial automotive innovator. Judge Kathale...

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Investing in mutual funds with a click.

Investment Managers Should Brace for Enhanced Proxy Vote Reporting

Investing in mutual funds with a click.

For nearly 20 years, mutual funds have been required to report to the public on the proxy votes they cast at annual shareholder meetings. The Securities and Exchange Commission now wants even more information about those votes. The SEC anno...

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Light Bulb Hanging: Shining Light on CEO Pay Compensation

Shareholders Go on Offense Against CEO Pay Raises

Light Bulb Hanging: Shining Light on CEO Pay Compensation

In an industry where top leaders routinely angle for lavish new contracts, the University of Michigan and its head football coach reached an unusual deal in early 2021. After the Wolverines stumbled to a 2-4 record in a 2020 season shortene...

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Close up of Camera Lens and Aperture Focused on Alphabet

Vanguard Says No on Pay at Alphabet, Uber

Close up of Camera Lens and Aperture Focused on Alphabet

“Over the past year, the pandemic, economic uncertainty, and a historic social justice movement have brought environmental, social, and governance risks into sharp focus.” This comment from Vanguard CEO Tim Buckley is simultaneously one of...

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Typewriter typing "fade in" lawsuit

Tesla Meeting, Compensation in Limbo

Typewriter typing "fade in" lawsuit

Tesla was supposed to hold its annual meeting on July 7. But then, when was the last time something involving Elon Musk went according to script? As Musk explained in tweets screenshotted into Tesla’s filing on the matter, the delay gives C...

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