Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky

Tag: Congress

Puddle reflection of U.S. Capitol

Three Reasons Why the SEC May Temper Its Rulemaking Before the Election

Puddle reflection of U.S. Capitol

In an election year, federal agencies often spend the final months of a President’s term rushing to push through pet projects and key objectives. The Securities and Exchange Commission is no exception. If you look back to 2020, for instance...

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Congress tightening using pipe wrench

Gensler Looks to Tighten Rules for 10b5-1 Plans

Congress tightening using pipe wrench

While their companies were busy last year developing vaccines to help fight the coronavirus, executives at major pharmaceutical companies were busy cashing in on stock sales. Their trades involved more than 8.5 million shares of stock and p...

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