Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky

Tag: Clawback

Colorful jet streams during air show

Companies Going Above and Beyond Clawback Requirements

Colorful jet streams during air show

When it comes to compensation clawbacks, many corporate executives are discovering their own employers have even stricter standards than required by the federal government. In an analysis of 2024 proxy filings, consulting firm FW Cook found...

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Spring-loaded wheels with clawback mechanism and scooter in background

SEC Looking Out for Abuses of ‘Spring-Loaded Compensation’

Spring-loaded wheels with clawback mechanism and scooter in background

“Spring-loaded compensation awards.” It just sounds cool, right? And if you’re a corporate executive, it is indeed. Spring-loaded awards refer to executive pay sweeteners in which companies provide the recipients with stock options in the b...

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SEC Exercises Little-Used Clawback Rule

SEC Exercises Little-Used Clawback Rule

SEC Exercises Little-Used Clawback Rule

Unless you’re a student of corporate-governance history, you probably don’t remember SOX 304. That’s OK: the SEC rarely invokes the provision. But earlier this month, the agency dusted off the measure to claw back some ill-gotten gains from...

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