Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky

Month: July 2024

View through rose-colored lenses

CrowdStrike’s Woes Highlight Concerns About Bespoke Accounting Metric

View through rose-colored lenses

By any measure, the last two weeks of July have been brutal for cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike. CrowdStrike reported what it called “exceptional” first quarter financial results in early June – taunting competitors Microsoft and Palo Alto N...

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poolside popsicles

Observers Say ESG Disclosure Principles Need Refreshing

poolside popsicles

Influential management consultant Peter Drucker famously said that if you can’t measure something, you can’t manage it. In other words, you can never tell how something is performing if you lack a way to quantify its performance. That’s all...

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Old barn with vintage tractors

Conservative Backlash Raises Existential Issues for DEI Programs

Old barn with vintage tractors

There’s an old country fable that goes: When you sit down to bacon and eggs at breakfast, the chicken is involved, but the pig is committed. Many dedicated customers of retail chain Tractor Supply Co. and Deere & Co., manufacturer of Jo...

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conch shells on shoreline

Nasdaq, NYSE Propose Aligning Deadlines for SPAC Mergers, Delistings

conch shells on shoreline

The quest for uniformity between the major U.S. stock exchanges when it comes to mergers of special purpose acquisition companies took an interesting turn this week. First, a primer on recent events for the uninitiated. SPACs are shell comp...

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Intelligize+ AI logo

Intelligize+ AI™ Harnesses New Technologies to Enhance SEC Compliance Research

Intelligize+ AI logo

Much of the information we bring you in this blog comes from insights our team surfaces from the Intelligize research platform. Today, I’m pleased to share that performing research on our platform just got a whole lot easier and more powerf...

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