Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky

Whitepapers & Special Reports

While We Go “All-In” on AI, Who’s Minding the Store?

In business, the prospect of AI assuming a more prominent role in our world is the source of both expected enthusiasm and understandable concern. The potential of AI to add efficiency and accuracy to any number of business functions – from...

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M&A in 2024: A Bounce Back Year, or Just a Blip?

Does 2024 offer a glimmer of hope for corporate M&A activity, or will a challenging dealmaking environment persist? Check out the five influencing factors likely to impact M&A players and whether they’re cause for optimism.

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AI-generated Red Riding Hood and wolf

Who’s Afraid of Generative AI?

AI-generated Red Riding Hood and wolf

It’s no surprise that strong beliefs—and fears— about generative AI technologies have been particularly prevalent in some sectors and industries. But what about in securities compliance? At the end of 2023, we set out to determine whether t...

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Pay Versus Performance: A look at Non-GAAP Financial Performance Measures

Will fewer companies continue to use controversial non-GAAP measures to report pay versus performance metrics going forward? In our latest report, our experts looked at executive compensation in the context of the SEC’s new Pay vs Performan...

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Navigating the Diversity Disclosure Landscape: An Intelligize Analysis

Navigating the Diversity Disclosure Landscape: An Intelligize Analysis

Navigating the Diversity Disclosure Landscape: An Intelligize Analysis

See how three recent developments from Nasdaq, CorpFin, and top advisory firms are shaping the landscape of corporate board diversity disclosure. Check out our latest report.

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