Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky


Global cyberattacks

Three Lessons from Early Disclosures of Cybersecurity Incidents

Global cyberattacks

Many health care providers have gone through a rough stretch in recent weeks following a cyberattack on a unit of UnitedHealth Group. According to the New York Times, “hundreds, if not thousands,” of care providers couldn’t get insurance ap...

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DJ beat sampling board for hip-hop

Are Companies Properly Preparing for AI Risks?

DJ beat sampling board for hip-hop

Ready or not, as a former member of the hip hop group Fugees learned recently, artificial intelligence is leaving its mark through unexpected applications. Prakazrel “Pras” Michel, one of the trio of rappers known as The Fugees, and for hit...

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Young woman blowing bubblegum

Companies Responding to SEC’s Inflation Comments

Young woman blowing bubblegum

We told you last year about the Securities and Exchange Commission’s inflation-curious attitude as corporations and consumers alike have been forced to deal with rising prices. And just as inflation doesn’t appear to be going away anytime s...

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Artificial intelligence electronic eye assessing risk factors

Companies Identify Risk Factors of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence electronic eye assessing risk factors

Twenty years ago, companies were just beginning to grapple with the “internet of things.” The emerging technologies forced them to manage compliance, regulatory and legal risks introduced by new data-privacy and security concerns. Now, comp...

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Mahjong tiles in pool of rising water

Companies See Rising Risks in Doing Business with China

Mahjong tiles in pool of rising water

The term competition has a different meaning in business than in the context of sports and games. In chess or baseball or parchesi, players follow defined rules to achieve objectives versus their opponents. In business, there is no standard...

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