Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky


poolside popsicles

Observers Say ESG Disclosure Principles Need Refreshing

poolside popsicles

Influential management consultant Peter Drucker famously said that if you can’t measure something, you can’t manage it. In other words, you can never tell how something is performing if you lack a way to quantify its performance. That’s all...

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referee flag

Does ‘Corporate Bullying’ Work?

referee flag

Nobody likes a bully, or so the saying goes. That may be true, but it has never stopped bullies from popping up in places ranging from playgrounds to office cubicles to the highest reaches of government. The modus operandi doesn’t change, r...

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Architectural blend with greenery, ESG uncertainties

Frustrations Mount Over Differing Climate Disclosure Rules

Architectural blend with greenery, ESG uncertainties

The long slog to implementing sustainability-related disclosure rules for companies in the United States reached something of a conclusion last month. While issuers are coming to terms with what the Securities and Exchange Commission now re...

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Green ivy creeping across stone wall

Climate Disclosure Convergence Creeps Along

Green ivy creeping across stone wall

Though the world may be coming together on unified climate disclosure standards for corporations, sparring over the Securities and Exchange Commission’s new reporting rules demonstrates that it’s happening at a glacially slow pace. After an...

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DeLorean time traveling car

SEC’s New Regulatory Agenda Goes Back to the Future

DeLorean time traveling car

The Securities and Exchange Commission is welcoming 2024 by making what was old new again. In its updated regulatory agenda released on December 6, 2023, the agency included big-ticket items that headlined agendas in previous years, such as...

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