Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky

Tag: liability

Accounting Issues Warrant Caution on SPACs

Accounting Issues Warrant Caution on SPACs

Accounting Issues Warrant Caution on SPACs

If you need proof that no good deed goes unpunished, look at Luminar Technologies. Like so many other companies in recent years, it went public through a SPAC merger. But when it did the right thing and posed an accounting question to the ...

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Silent Companies on Vaccine Mandates

Companies Staying Mum on Potential for Vaccine Mandates

Silent Companies on Vaccine Mandates

Public health experts have warned for months about the possibility of vaccine hesitancy thwarting efforts to control the Covid-19 pandemic. Polling conducted as late as October found that only half of Americans intended to get vaccinated. E...

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