Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky

Tag: DEI

Old barn with vintage tractors

Conservative Backlash Raises Existential Issues for DEI Programs

Old barn with vintage tractors

There’s an old country fable that goes: When you sit down to bacon and eggs at breakfast, the chicken is involved, but the pig is committed. Many dedicated customers of retail chain Tractor Supply Co. and Deere & Co., manufacturer of Jo...

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woman walking on a trail

Study: Women Lose Ground in C-Suite for First Time in Two Decades

woman walking on a trail

In what researchers say could represent an “alarming turning point,” the number of women holding executive corporate leadership roles is now declining, according to a study published in March by S&P Global Market Intelligence. After nea...

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Team of medics with defibrillator

DEI: D.O.A. or Here to Stay?

Team of medics with defibrillator

In January of 2021, we wrote on this blog: “If there was ever a time when public companies tried to remain apolitical, it appears to be gone.” We were less than a week removed from the Jan. 6 insurrection in which protestors, enflamed by ou...

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Rattlesnake coiled

Supreme Court Decision Complicates Diversity Disclosure Landscape

Rattlesnake coiled

After upending diversity policies in academia, the Supreme Court’s June decision striking down race-based admissions policies at colleges and universities also rattled the corporate world. High-profile law firms now face lawsuits for their...

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Close-up of back crow standing on ground: harbinger of challenges for DEI initiatives

Affirmative Action Decision Could Spur Rethinking of DEI Policies

Close-up of back crow standing on ground: harbinger of challenges for DEI initiatives

The Supreme Court’s recent decision striking down race-based admissions policies at colleges and universities is producing a sea change within academia. But it may also be a harbinger of challenges to come for corporate diversity, equity an...

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