Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky

Tag: whistleblower

Handshake With Fingers Crossed

DOJ to Boeing: Our Deal is Off

Handshake With Fingers Crossed

It seems all news is bad news lately for Boeing Co. A harrowing incident earlier this year in which the door on one of its planes blew off mid-flight has sparked intense scrutiny into safety and maintenance practices at the world’s largest...

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Canary bird

Everything is Coming Up Whistleblowers

Canary bird

Good news, whistleblowers: The Supreme Court just gave you a huge victory. Even better, the robed justices aren’t the only arm of the government looking to protect whistleblowers. A decision last week from the highest court in the land affi...

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Blue patrol light on top of police car

September SEC Enforcement Spike: Four Key Areas to Watch

Blue patrol light on top of police car

Much like the cliché of a local police force ramping up patrols to meet its quarterly quota of speeding tickets, the Securities and Exchange Commission is yet again closing out its fiscal year with a spike of September enforcement actions....

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Two executives whispering in an empty hallway

The Activision Blizzard Case, Part II: Whistleblower Protections

Two executives whispering in an empty hallway

Earlier this week, we told you about the potential ramifications for disclosure controls stemming from the Securities and Exchange Commission’s $35 million settlement with video game maker Activision Blizzard. Prospective whistleblowers – a...

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Payphone left hanging in black and white

SEC Raises the Stakes for Corporate Whistleblowers

Payphone left hanging in black and white

Get ready for more corporate whistleblowers to come out of the woodwork. At least that’s the takeaway from the Securities and Exchange Commission’s latest changes to its whistleblower program. In an effort to fortify investor protections, t...

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