Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky

Tag: Acquisition

Steel grinder makes sparks

Blocked U.S. Steel-Nippon Acquisition Roils Dealmakers, Baffles Analysts

Steel grinder makes sparks

President Biden’s decision in early January to block Japan-based Nippon Steel’s acquisition of U.S. Steel sparked a slew of unusual twists and turns more akin to a Hollywood political thriller than a typical corporate deal. Accusations of c...

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Street bench in flood water

Private Eyes: Boards Evaluating Flood of Take-Private Offers

Street bench in flood water

Nearly six months into 2022, an auto company executive’s drama-filled bid to buy a social media platform stands out as the story of the year in the dealmaking world. But Elon Musk’s potential acquisition of Twitter has been part of a run of...

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Rows of empty, numbered baseball stadium seats

M&A Lawsuit Holds Answer to Billion-Dollar MAE Question

Rows of empty, numbered baseball stadium seats

The pandemic has given rise to any number of troubling questions: How did it start? Are we “reopening” too soon? Will there be a Major League Baseball season? One such question, with billions of dollars on the line, is this: what happens to...

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