Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky

Tag: inflation

Person holding a level

Interest Rates Continue to Influence Corporate Financing

Person holding a level

After setting interest rates at a two-decade high last July, the Federal Reserve has held them steady for the last 10 months at 5.3%. And now everyone waiting on the central bank to cut rates should probably settle in for an even longer hau...

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Young woman blowing bubblegum

Companies Responding to SEC’s Inflation Comments

Young woman blowing bubblegum

We told you last year about the Securities and Exchange Commission’s inflation-curious attitude as corporations and consumers alike have been forced to deal with rising prices. And just as inflation doesn’t appear to be going away anytime s...

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SEC is ready to swat down Form 10 K

SEC Digs Deeper on Inflation Impacts

SEC is ready to swat down Form 10 K

“Inflation is negatively impacting our business.” As the prices of goods and materials continue to rise worldwide, a growing number of companies are adding some variation of this self-evident statement to their mandatory financial reporting...

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Monochrome image of half a lemon: When the Economy gives you lemons

Uncertainty Prompts Growing Number of Companies to Revise Revenue Guidance

Monochrome image of half a lemon: When the Economy gives you lemons

The man known as “Dr. Doom” in the financial world has some typically sour news about the global economic forecast. In an interview with Bloomberg this week, economist Nouriel Roubini warned that we’re quickly approaching a “long and ugly”...

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Elderly Couple walks together, Overcoming Recession

Corporate Executives Prepare for a Recession

Elderly Couple walks together, Overcoming Recession

Opinions differ on what constitutes an economic recession. In general, it refers to a period of declining economic activity, which leaves plenty of room to argue about factors such as how long a downturn should be to qualify as a recession....

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