Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky

Tag: Sustainability

Molten hot iron poured into kiln for sustainability

Charges Against Brazilian Mining Company Tests SEC’s ESG Authority

Molten hot iron poured into kiln for sustainability

The Securities and Exchange Commission’s foray into required corporate reporting on environmental, social and governance issues has been the top story in financial regulation since the start of the Biden administration. To this point, howev...

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Spiral staircase, down looking up with pillars

Can ESG Handle Adding an H?

Spiral staircase, down looking up with pillars

The concept of corporate sustainability has evolved over time beyond just environmental concerns such as carbon emissions and pollution. It now incorporates social and governance issues ­– the “S” and “G” to go with the “E” of what is commo...

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Flowers poking out of garden lattice: Sustainability presents complex work for PR Companies

Working with Big Oil is Bad PR for Edelman

Flowers poking out of garden lattice: Sustainability presents complex work for PR Companies

Activism to fight climate change most often gets associated with corporations that make – or take – things, such as energy companies and auto manufacturers. In reality, companies that contribute most directly to pollution rely on a latticew...

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A waving EU Flag with Cloudy Background

New EU Sustainability Reporting Standards Could Offer Blueprint for U.S.

A waving EU Flag with Cloudy Background

In the United States, the Green New Deal is a political hot-button issue. In Europe, it’s a set of policies that already have been adopted to transform the European Union’s economy and combat climate change. That includes how companies disc...

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Amazon’s Tuition Benefit a Sign of Rising Interest in Human Capital

Amazon’s Tuition Benefit a Sign of Rising Interest in Human Capital

Amazon’s Tuition Benefit a Sign of Rising Interest in Human Capital

To hear labor activists and some employees tell it, “Out of sight, out of mind” would be an apt description of Amazon leaders’ attitude toward the strenuous working conditions in the company’s warehouse distribution centers. Earlier this ye...

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