Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky

Category: SEC

Five Big Questions for 2021

Five Big Questions for 2021

Five Big Questions for 2021

If you had asked us what to expect from the year 2020 last January, suffice it to say that we would have been wrong. So we’re staying out of the prediction business this year. Instead, we’re just going to pose five big questions that should...

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SEC Steps Up Enforcement Actions for Insufficient Disclosure

SEC Steps Up Enforcement Actions for Insufficient Disclosure

SEC Steps Up Enforcement Actions for Insufficient Disclosure

The Cheesecake Factory is famous for pushing the limits of culinary convention – from its massive menus to its trademark desserts to somehow finding space for even more food on diners’ plates. The California-based chain recently broke a mor...

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Silhouettes of beach volleyball players at the beach with sun shining

ESG Playbook Offers Proxy-Season Tips

Silhouettes of beach volleyball players at the beach with sun shining

Black Lives Matter. Raging wildfires. A deadly pandemic. A bitter election. The issues dominating American life in 2020 related closely to environmental, social, and governance topics. The same could be said of the 2020 proxy season, during...

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Polluted Factory: ESG Environmental Impact

A Farewell to Principles-based Disclosure?

Polluted Factory: ESG Environmental Impact

A changing of the guard in the White House means new faces in high-profile places throughout the executive branch. At the Securities and Exchange Commission, chairman Jay Clayton, an appointee of the outgoing president, has already announce...

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A Fork on the Road around a hill

New Rules for Proxy Advisors Divide Issuers, Investors

A Fork on the Road around a hill

Is polarization coming to the financial markets? You might think so after hearing the divided reaction to the SEC’s new rules for proxy advisory firms, which passed at an open meeting of the commission last week. Proxy advisory firms, as ou...

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