Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky

Category: News

cocktail with an orange twist used to lock down agreements

Palantir Pursues Direct Listing with a Twist

cocktail with an orange twist used to lock down agreements

What’s the difference between a stock offering and an epic battle between good and evil? That’s a trick question, at least in the case of Palantir, the secretive data mining company that just filed registration documents in support of a dir...

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Celebrate Intelligize's One Year Birthday

Is the “Stakeholder” Movement Already Dead?

Celebrate Intelligize's One Year Birthday

Last week marked the one-year anniversary of the Business Roundtable (BRT) statement on corporate purpose. You remember it – the announcement that sparked debate about the core purpose of a corporation; BRT said they should look beyond shar...

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White truck delivering mail

Public Companies Fret Over Fate of Postal Service

White truck delivering mail

Americans are paying attention to their mail in a whole new way. With the United States Postal Service struggling financially and providing delayed service, citizens suddenly have a host of fears. Some are worried about their retirement che...

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Beijing skyline at night in Black and White

Domestic Issuers Get Caught in U.S-China Crossfire

Beijing skyline at night in Black and White

They’ve tariffed each other’s products. They’ve sanctioned each other’s officials. They’ve blamed each other for the pandemic. But as hostilities escalate between the U.S. and China, only once have public companies told the president he too...

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A Children's Playground with umbrellas and slides

Child Care Crisis a Hot Topic for Public Companies and Workforce

A Children's Playground with umbrellas and slides

You’ve probably heard about the contentious conference calls happening this summer. Calls in which administrators get peppered with questions about how they’ll handle COVID-19 in the fall. Calls in which parents grill leadership on school c...

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