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Tag: executive compensation

Tightened shoelaces

Amid New Disclosure Rules, Scrutiny of CEO Pay Intensifies

Tightened shoelaces

A year ago, Microsoft instituted headline-grabbing measures to lift employee pay as inflation spiked and labor markets tightened. Compensation at the tech giant is now returning to earth, with CEO Satya Nadella announcing last week that ful...

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Investing in mutual funds with a click.

Investment Managers Should Brace for Enhanced Proxy Vote Reporting

Investing in mutual funds with a click.

For nearly 20 years, mutual funds have been required to report to the public on the proxy votes they cast at annual shareholder meetings. The Securities and Exchange Commission now wants even more information about those votes. The SEC anno...

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Cat's Paw and Clawbacks

SEC Unveils Compensation Clawback Rules

Cat's Paw and Clawbacks

The Securities and Exchange Commission has issued its long-awaited rules on clawbacks for executive bonuses based on mistakes in financial reporting. Long-awaited by everyone except corporate executives, of course. The SEC first proposed ru...

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Blocks and hand holding money for recognized financial performance

12 Years Later, the SEC Has Its Pay Versus Performance Rules

Blocks and hand holding money for recognized financial performance

When the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act was signed into law in 2010, it put publicly traded companies on notice that they would need to justify executive pay rates. It took 12 years, but the Securities and Exchang...

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Outdated firepower meets excessive executive salaries

As Executive Compensation Booms, Closer Scrutiny Looms

Outdated firepower meets excessive executive salaries

Stop us if you’ve heard this one before, but corporate CEOs made a lot of money last year. According to a new report from the AFL-CIO, the chief executives of companies in the S&P 500 earned an average of $18.3 million in total compensa...

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