Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky

Category: SEC

A puddle drains at sunset

New Quality Standard Heightens Fears of Accounting Brain Drain

A puddle drains at sunset

Fans of Christian Wolff rejoiced earlier this year when news broke that filming had started for the latest installment of the adventures of the autistic CPA and mercenary do-gooder portrayed by Ben Affleck. Nine years after The Accountant f...

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broom sweeping cash into dust pail

Lawsuits Renew Scrutiny of Big Banks’ Deceptive Practices on Cash Sweep Accounts

broom sweeping cash into dust pail

Following a steady stream of accusations that big banks like JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo have deceived and cheated investors for years, recent lawsuits are shining a light on how banks secretly manage – or mismanage – so-called cash swee...

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kid toughing it out on monkey bars

SEC Approves Tougher Standards for Auditor Liability

kid toughing it out on monkey bars

The Securities and Exchange Commission has approved a proposal from the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board intended to make it easier for the regulatory agency to hold an individual responsible when that person “directly and substant...

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Colorful jet streams during air show

Companies Going Above and Beyond Clawback Requirements

Colorful jet streams during air show

When it comes to compensation clawbacks, many corporate executives are discovering their own employers have even stricter standards than required by the federal government. In an analysis of 2024 proxy filings, consulting firm FW Cook found...

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overturned boat in water

Dems Join Crusade to Overturn Contentious SEC Crypto Accounting Guidance

overturned boat in water

Several House Democrats have thrown their support behind a congressional effort to overturn controversial accounting guidance that affects how regulated banking organizations account for and safeguard their customers’ digital assets. The de...

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