Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky

Category: SEC

Colorful wind chimes

SEC Chimes in on Early Cybersecurity Disclosures

Colorful wind chimes

Earlier this year, we offered readers three lessons from the initial wave of disclosures made under new cybersecurity rules issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission in 2023. For example, we saw companies attempting to frame what cou...

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Light spiral fractal art

Intelligize Report Drills Down on Growing Concerns About Use of AI

Light spiral fractal art

Whether artificial intelligence will prove to be society’s friend or foe depends not on the technology itself, but how we use it. To that end, business interests, government authorities and shadow regulators all have an interest in seeing s...

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Handshake With Fingers Crossed

DOJ to Boeing: Our Deal is Off

Handshake With Fingers Crossed

It seems all news is bad news lately for Boeing Co. A harrowing incident earlier this year in which the door on one of its planes blew off mid-flight has sparked intense scrutiny into safety and maintenance practices at the world’s largest...

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Dart board

New Audit Standards Accompanied by Calls for Stronger Leadership

Dart board

The top accountant at the Securities and Exchange Commission has had enough with auditors behaving badly, and he’s taking aim at the leadership of their firms as regulators move to tighten up auditing standards. In a statement issued earlie...

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Puddle reflection of U.S. Capitol

Three Reasons Why the SEC May Temper Its Rulemaking Before the Election

Puddle reflection of U.S. Capitol

In an election year, federal agencies often spend the final months of a President’s term rushing to push through pet projects and key objectives. The Securities and Exchange Commission is no exception. If you look back to 2020, for instance...

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