Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky

Category: Rules & Regs

Chess board

Battle Lines Are Drawn on Noncompete Ban

Chess board

As expected, big business is lining up to take on the Federal Trade Commission’s new ban on noncompete agreements. In a move cheered by labor interests across the United States, the FTC approved a measure last month prohibiting employers fr...

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Shadows of people cast on the ground

SEC’s Win in ‘Shadow Trading’ Case Shines Light on Corporate Trading Policies

Shadows of people cast on the ground

The circumstances of individual cases may differ, but we all know that insider trading involves using material, non-public information to buy and sell a company’s securities. But what if you possess inside information about one company that...

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Architectural blend with greenery, ESG uncertainties

Frustrations Mount Over Differing Climate Disclosure Rules

Architectural blend with greenery, ESG uncertainties

The long slog to implementing sustainability-related disclosure rules for companies in the United States reached something of a conclusion last month. While issuers are coming to terms with what the Securities and Exchange Commission now re...

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telephone receivers off the hook

Regulators Continue Costly Crackdown on Off-Channel Communications

telephone receivers off the hook

How much would your teenage children pay to stay on their favorite social media apps? One thousand dollars? Ten thousand? More? If you think their addiction is bad, console yourself with the example of the country’s largest financial instit...

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Cupertino, CA

DOJ Takes Antitrust Fight to Apple

Cupertino, CA

As President Joe Biden approaches the end of his first term in office, vigorous enforcement of antitrust law has become a hallmark of his administration. In the most ambitious move yet, the Department of Justice is pursuing antitrust action...

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