Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky

Category: ESG

Scenic Blue Ridge Highway bypass

Exxon Bypasses SEC, Seeks Court Order to Block ESG Shareholder Proposal

Scenic Blue Ridge Highway bypass

As companies contemplate how best to respond to the rising number of environmental, social and governance (ESG) proposals from activist shareholders, Exxon Mobil has employed an unusual strategy to avoid such a vote. The oil giant is sidest...

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Team of medics with defibrillator

DEI: D.O.A. or Here to Stay?

Team of medics with defibrillator

In January of 2021, we wrote on this blog: “If there was ever a time when public companies tried to remain apolitical, it appears to be gone.” We were less than a week removed from the Jan. 6 insurrection in which protestors, enflamed by ou...

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Psychedelic mushrooms

Musk’s Alleged Drug Use Could Trigger More Than Headaches for Corporate Directors

Psychedelic mushrooms

As Elon Musk’s profile has evolved from tech innovator to a household name, the public has witnessed the behavior of the world’s wealthiest person fluctuate between quirky and odd to erratic and impulsive. But recent reporting about concern...

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DeLorean time traveling car

SEC’s New Regulatory Agenda Goes Back to the Future

DeLorean time traveling car

The Securities and Exchange Commission is welcoming 2024 by making what was old new again. In its updated regulatory agenda released on December 6, 2023, the agency included big-ticket items that headlined agendas in previous years, such as...

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Garden hose with running water

Tech Industry Coming to Terms with Water Consumption

Garden hose with running water

When it comes to industries commonly viewed as the biggest threats to the environment, sectors like oil and gas and manufacturing often come to mind. We should probably add cryptocurrency to that list as well. As the crypto industry has age...

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