Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky

Author: Scott Mirbagheri

elephants wrestling

Complex Issues Affecting U.S.-China Relations Pose Risks for Corporations

elephants wrestling

From imported cotton to TikTok, a host of contentious issues continue to complicate relations between the United States and China. The disputes also present thorny risks for corporations seeking to expand their operations or simply avoid co...

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referee flag

Does ‘Corporate Bullying’ Work?

referee flag

Nobody likes a bully, or so the saying goes. That may be true, but it has never stopped bullies from popping up in places ranging from playgrounds to office cubicles to the highest reaches of government. The modus operandi doesn’t change, r...

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Handshake With Fingers Crossed

DOJ to Boeing: Our Deal is Off

Handshake With Fingers Crossed

It seems all news is bad news lately for Boeing Co. A harrowing incident earlier this year in which the door on one of its planes blew off mid-flight has sparked intense scrutiny into safety and maintenance practices at the world’s largest...

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Dart board

New Audit Standards Accompanied by Calls for Stronger Leadership

Dart board

The top accountant at the Securities and Exchange Commission has had enough with auditors behaving badly, and he’s taking aim at the leadership of their firms as regulators move to tighten up auditing standards. In a statement issued earlie...

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