Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky

Author: Adria Hunter

Two young siblings staring head to head in argument

SEC Cracks Down on Crypto Exchanges

Two young siblings staring head to head in argument

The big story in the investment world last week was the Securities and Exchange Commission initiating a long-anticipated showdown with the cryptocurrency sector. On June 5, the agency filed a lawsuit against the world’s largest crypto excha...

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Ominous reddish-orange sky from wildfires in the California hills

Corporations Face Call to Disclose Nature-Related Risks

Ominous reddish-orange sky from wildfires in the California hills

Millions of Americans this week stepped outside and found themselves enveloped in a thick haze, leading government officials across the northern and eastern United States to warn against spending too much time outdoors. The cause of the nox...

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Person extends arm to wave a white flag of surrender

DOJ Official Touts Early Impact of Criminal Disclosure Policy

Person extends arm to wave a white flag of surrender

It hasn’t taken long for the Department of Justice’s new self-disclosure policy to change company behavior when it comes to reporting potential criminal misconduct, according to the head of its Criminal Division. Speaking at a conference la...

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Screen image of multicolored html code

Companies Grapple with Appropriate Disclosures for Cybersecurity

Screen image of multicolored html code

You could make a strong case for the SolarWinds hack of 2020 as the most significant cybersecurity event in history to date. Russian hackers launched a massive online attack through the software company’s information technology platform to...

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A bee on a yellow flower

Beware the Buzzy Press Release

A bee on a yellow flower

In the world of corporate communications, press releases play a pivotal role in disseminating news. However, a recent study shows that companies are also using press releases strategically in an effort to shape public perception. The study...

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